Antrag auf Einreise in die DDR
Application for entry into the GDR (front site)
West Berlin residents had to fill out this application in order to visit East Berlin or
East Germany
(DDR: Deutsche Demokratische Republik / German
Democratic Republic)
Application for entry into the GDR
(back site)
Antrag auf Ausreise in die DDR
Application for leaving the GDR
East German residents had to fill out this application in order to visit Western countries
Antrag auf Einreise in die DDR
Application for entry into the GDR
West German residents had to fill out this application in order to visit East Berlin or
East Germany
Mitnahmebescheinigung 15 DM
East German residents were allowed to take 15 DM on their travels to the
West and got this receipt
Counting card for 'statistical reasons', which had to be filled out when
leaving and entering the GDR
Zoll- und Devisenerklärung
Customs and foreign exchange declaration for East German citizen
Quelle / Source:
All Documents: private collection
Berlin Wall and Cold War Archive